2014년 5월 17일 토요일

Last class

Today is our last class. Im sooo sadㅠ^ㅠ
Yesterday  It was raning cats and dogs.
That's why out plants grew up soooooo much.
Im sooo happy.  And I will take my wild flower and I will transplant in Mahanaim's garden.
I will ask my friend to water my plants.
And when I will be back in NY, I hope I can see blossomed flower.
I am gonna miss Sue and my flower.

2014년 5월 10일 토요일

It is torrential rainy day..

Today is almost last class with Sue.
Our transplanted plants were growing up.
And my flower also still grow. But I really want to see the flower.
And It is raining cats and dogs. So I do not need to water my plant.
And we learned about the pronounciation the past tense.
It divided into 3 pronounciation. /id/ /t/ /d/.
It was little bit confused. But It was interesting.

2014년 5월 3일 토요일


Today we transplanted our vegetable.
My flower more grew up. I think because I told my flower "I love you." evertime.
And our vegetable also grew up. There are Cauliflower, Broccoli,  Cucumbers, tpmatoes. So cute though..hehe..
I want to see when they all grow. But I will be going to Korea soon..
Can I see there flower soon..? And can I eat them ? Haha..